Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to be a heart breaker

is that you gotta have fun
but baby when youre done
you gotte be the 1st to run

just don't get attached to
somebody you could lose

wear your ♥ in your cheek
but never on your sleeve 
unless you wanna taste defeat

gotta be looking pure 
kiss him goodbye at the dooränd leave him wanting more

Pretty Little Liars

I am so addicted to the TV show called Pretty little liar. So I decided to post my favorite moments.(Most of them are from Hannah) Here are my favorite pretty little liar moment:)
                               pretty little liars gifs photo: PLL - Powderpuff Girl tumblr_lfx54htvyS1qczjlgo1_500_zps6b9e8f85.gif

pll gifs photo: PLL - Don't hurt her tumblr_m8sney8NUT1rck8g6o1_500_large_zps179cae43.gif
pretty little liars gifs photo: PLL - Worse to worser tumblr_inline_mjxyzd4EwO1qz4rgp_zpsf8a5818a.gif
pretty little liars gifs photo: PLL - Everyone has a life hanna-pretty-little-liars-subtitles-Favimcom-239831_zps03388337.gifpretty little liars gifs photo: PLL - Stick a fork pretty-little-liars-aria-montgomery-lucy-hale-please-stick-a-fork-in-my-neck_zpsdcc0b687.gif

How to pretend you...can dance

You don't need to shake it like Beyoncé or Shakira to look good.Follow these simple trick to turn heads for the right reason;) hehe sound fun..

♥Feel the rhythm:your body will respond to the the beat,so really listen before you start moving.
♥Keep it simple:complicated moves will make you look like an amateur if you don't know them well.just do a bit of a side-step dance.
♥Sell it:if youre feeling shy prentend youre an actress.If youre on a packed dance floor,run your hand through your hair and throw in a sexy pout.

These tips has helped me out with my dancing....before i was really shy and couldn't dance but thanks to this tipp i dance like those guys in step up:)

Sellyssweetlife introducing myself

I always wanted to write my own blog.....but i never did,until now. name selly i am from Indonesia but lives in Switzerland i can't speak English fluently soo if i make a spelling mistake ...i in this blog i am gonna write about my sweet cupcake life:)i hope you guys like it and remember like everyone says you only live once and if you do it it right:)
I have more picture in Instagram .... u just have to click on the Link below